Orson Welles

I just watched The Magnificent Ambersons, as another step further in my personal journey to understand and appreciate Orson Welles. I feel that with every movie I’m closer to the solution to the puzzle that this man isto me. The thing is, will the outcome have any sense? God, I hope so, because this journey is very irregular.

Anyways, this movie should be a melodrama story-wise, but doesn’t taste like one. The scenarios are really oppresive, and the lighting is absolutely dark, even for Welles’ standards! Overall, I feel like this movie was conceived to produce a radical sensation rather than telling the story in a way it should make sense. It’s an interesting exercise, for sure.

I think there are some things that escaped me, like symbolisms or double meanings in some dialogues and scenes, but I was very sleepy, to the point that I digested a scene right when the next was playing. It’s sad. I think I will need to rewatch this movie in the future just to confirm my feelings.

Even if it’s not the best, my favourite or idyllic in any sense, my relationship with Orson Welles is the most intense, changing and baffling one, for sure.