Peckinpah Suite, or the humanity of myths

I just watched Peckinpah Suite, a documentary film about legendary director Sam Peckinpah, narrated by his daughter while visiting the place he spent his final years in.

I really got emotional. It isn’t the first time it happens to me. I cried with a documentary about Orson Welles before, too. I don’t know why… I just really got touched. I like Peckinpah’s movies a lot, and witnessing he was just as his characters… hard-boiled, tough, but also endearing and human in his way. He really cared about his movies. They were just like his children. A part of him was imprinted in them. Watching his movies you could see him.

The way his relationship with his daughter and her mother unfolded was really touching, too.

There’s this line that said “It is impossible to watch any Sam Peckinpah movie and not being happy about it”. It’s completely true. In my case, at least.