USA, 2021 | Action/Fantasy | Mainstream | Trailer |
When I saw the promotional posters for this Shang-Chi, it immediately piqued my curiosity. I am not a MCU fan except for very concrete works, mainly because the superhero theme isn’t quite my favourite fruit, but I was very willing to go check this one out. First of all, because it initially looked like it could deliver a satisfactory WuXia/Chanbara experience (which are of my favourite subgenres in action flicks) with all the power of Marvel-Disney’s Hollywood money on its side; and more secondarily because most surely it would not be a fully ‘Murican-styled superhero story. I was more willing to give it a chance than with other sibling works from the factory.
Turns out, the creative head of Shang-Chi Destin Daniel Cretton is by no means an Ang Lee or a Zhang Yimou. Whilst I respect to death the overall intention put within making this movie, perhaps I had my expectations too intensely focused on the possible WuXia aspect, and somehow I didn’t acknowledge enough that the product I was going to watch was a MCU entry, by all means.
So, what can you expect if you go to watch Shang-Chi? Action, of course. I admit I had my good doses of fun with some action scenes that perfectly could have been taken from a John Wick entry, especially in the first half of the movie. These were flawlessly executed and with a taste on their cinematography where I could perfectly perceive the power of Disney’s money behind them. However, when the movie tries to imitate the WuXia kind of action, it’s just… not. You know the feeling when America remakes a foreign work, where you can taste the Americanness in it? That’s exactly the same here. And also, too over-the-top and dense. Objectively, it’s good action, really well shot. But as a matter of taste… I feel it takes too much effort on imitating the clichés whilst painting them over with a Hollywood Blockbuster CGI Epic varnish rather than trying to just, you know, depict Chinese-styled fights bluntly, just like that. I can respect the people that enjoy this, and I admit I am too accustomed on stylism in this genre, so this kind of effect I described puts me off. But it’s a personal view.
I digged Tony Leung appearing here. He’s an actor I really like, and you can notice his magnificent presence, because he even displaces the titular character in importance for half the movie. I liked that, but it’s also sad that a movie supposedly about the titular character finding himself and gitting gud leaves precisely that premise aside for making him passively carried by the circumstances executed by another character. I feel that, if Shang-Chi’s character had had the same presence and relevance through the whole movie than in the first third of it, the overall result would had been much better. However, I also feel that Awkwafina acting all as comic relief, deuteragonist and significant other of the main character at the same was cool. I still find it hilarious that she entered the MCU. Where can’t you find her nowadays?
What about the rest of the movie, out of action and characters? Feels like a quick mishmash of Western views on Chinese folk, anarcho-traditionalism and CGI. The rest of characters played their supporting roles with dignity, even if some Disney-class humour moments felt a bit odd sometimes. But of course, it must be remarked that this is a MCU entry, so it must feel like one at times. Again, photography and cinematography and props were really nice. I just miss more props and less CGI, but that’s a lost battle for me and I admit it. Would I recommend this movie? I had both good and bored moments in the experience, mainly divided by the two halves of the movie. People seem to like it and I know I am weird. Consider that I found some aspects I really enjoyed, even if it was only Tony Leung’s performance and the first John Wick-styled fights. So, I am sure everybody will find cool aspects in Shang-Chi. It’s like a hamburger. Regardless of the quality of the materials employed to make it, everybody will find a tasty thing in it.