
The concept of this site started in my usual Reddit community, where I would tell my online friends about the movies I watched, and this would slowly turn into elaborated texts and reflections. Effectively, I had my small “corner” where I would share my joy and hobby with my dear ones.

The Movie Corners are fundamentally exercises on text composition and especially expressions of feelings I, as a frequent movie watcher, get when I exit a screening room or turn my TV off. Normally, I have to do an effort of shaping my sea of thoughts, ideas and impressions originated by the filmic experience into something easy to communicate and transmit. Therefore, in the Corners sections you will encounter ordered thoughts, ideas and impressions regarding certain movies that impressed me, I liked, or I merely think are worthy of some interest.

They are NOT intended to be professional critics or taken as reference for anything. Given that perception is subjective, I am just having fun in elaborating a polished shape for my own perception. If it helps anybody to trigger their interest towards a movie, let it be welcome. I gladly invite you to watch the corresponding movie and shape your own thoughts, ideas and impressions, too.

There are three kinds of posts:

  • Corners: a standard composition of a movie commentary/analysis under a purely subjective and perceptual point of view
  • Musings: A short comment on reflection on a movie or topic that came to my mind triggered by a movie
  • Retrospectives: Like a Corner, but for a compendium or collection of movies or a show that is finished and closed