The Night of the Hunter

USA, 1955 Drama/Horror Classic Trailer My story with this film is accidental. I have known about it for ages, ever since I was way younger and more impressionable than now. Back then, I learned about its existence in a comic I used to read, where a detailed prompt of its plot was given. From that… Continue reading The Night of the Hunter

Midnight Cowboy

USA, 1969 Drama Mainstream Trailer Midnight Cowboy is one of these movies that have an aura that transcends their existence. It’s one iconic piece from the American New Wave movement, constantly praised and acclaimed, and many of its amazing scenes and pieces of footage have been source of inspiration for photographs, imitations, homages and references… Continue reading Midnight Cowboy

A Night at the Opera

USA, 1935 Comedy/Musical Mainstream Trailer As far as I can remember, comedies were my first contacts with talkies, or immediately-post-silent-era classic movies. It’s an easy genre with eternal qualities, and experience tells me people are always more prone to appreciate a good laugh than any other thing when touching a filmic era that is different… Continue reading A Night at the Opera

The Fearless Vampire Killers

USA, 1967 Comedy/Horror Low-key Mainstream Trailer When I was younger, my parents used to remember this movie very fondly, so its name kind of always stayed in my backbone. Thanks to the new classic cinema-oriented channel of my digital TV service, I was finally able to take a bite on it. So it ended being… Continue reading The Fearless Vampire Killers

We’re No Angels

USA, 1955 Comedy Mainstream Trailer Today’s is a very special Corner post. It’s Christmas day, so I am going to talk about a Christmas movie. But, you all know I am sort of unconventional, so I want to talk about an underknown classic from 1955. And, it’s starring Humphrey Bogart, who was born a December… Continue reading We’re No Angels

Pot-pourri of Autumn 2020 movies

Emma (UK, 2020) – Romance, Comedy – Mainstream This is another nice example of the recent female directors make adaptions of classic novels trend that I wish never fades away. I honestly never read anything Jane Austen, and I committed the sin of disdaining her for believing her work being overly cheesy and languid. However,… Continue reading Pot-pourri of Autumn 2020 movies